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Workshop productions

My artwork production is about wandering, sensing, articulating. These are works along the way, partly before and partly during the mountain project.

Spaces and sounds of Forest Hill

Arriving from Lillehammer, the London noise was a culture shock. I felt under siege, about to be thrown into despair by sound vibrations in crowds, buildings and streets. I gradually learned to adapt.  This work is about the soundscapes of three places in my everyday life.

I had a nice flat, but the A205 was outside my window. There was only one way to regain control of my acoustic space: that was to play music. Here I am playing my CD …. through my new loudspeakers. I made these recordings inside my living room.

Winter afternoon in Dover

Announcements on London rail stations are loud and penetrating.   I made these recordings in the railway tunnel on my daily journey to Goldsmiths College. I used to run through it sticking fingers in my ears. However, this day Jim was playing...

Close to Forest Hill is Sydenham Hill Wood, a hidden and fenced in ancient forest, only for those that happen to know. I believe in the biophilia hypothesis, that humans need nature, and here is how people and animals express their joy.

I made this video as an assignment for a sound workshop in Visual Sociology at Goldsmiths College autumn 2011.

 The video was made in February 2012 for the workshop in video production at Visual Sociology at Goldsmiths College. It is my first video ever with moving images. It is composed of a series of video panning and sound recordings along the coast, harbour, street and cliffs of Dover.

Alexandra Baixinho participated in recording the sounds. Here you can hear our first experiments in making sounds with contact - and hydro-microphones.

I really wanted to go to Dover, maybe because of a song from the 1940´s – that is, Vera Lynn’s The White Cliffs of Dover. This is a voice memo recording, I cannot sing, but who cares…

Summer in Oslo Forest

I made this video in August 2011 for a course in Practice led research at Lillehammer College. It is the outcome of four days walk in Oslo forest in the Spålen / Katnosa area in the summer of 2011. I love being inside these green spaces, among the trees, brooks and birds. I grew up with this forest and it is the most beautiful place I know.


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