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Mountain project videos 

Winter Winds

Winter winds

The forces of the winter mountain are beyond human control. Humans are vulnerable; the winds are too cold for our skin and we must protect ourselves. Here you can see my experiment of how much time I could let my skin be exposed to the cold before I had to put on my boots.

Mountain Lady

Love of nature is not only theory and nice talk. It is also practice, affect and longing, which this video expresses.

Mountain Lady

Recording Technology as Tools of Engagement

This is about a trip to the Hallingskarvet mountain range in August 2012. It is about playing, performing and exploring both in front and behind the camera.

My companions and participants are Felipe de Palma from Chile and Alexandra Baixhino from Portugal, both students of Visual Sociology at Goldsmiths.

September Ice/ Joys of Cracking

During September, the nights go colder and water freezes to ice. The sun is still warm and about noon, the ice begins to melt again. This video is about the relationship between the ice and the water and the fascination of participating in this sound making. It was part of the After The Fact installation.

Joys of cracking
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